Our SPOT module allows you to conduct spot check audits on demand, extending the investigatory abilities of our partner providers and empowering their quality programs with a higher level of confidence by being a step-ahead of accreditation and formal assessments. SPOT offers the ideal complement to our continuously updated suite of self-assessment tools aligned to the Standards.
SPOT has been co-designed with leading Australian partner providers. As well as giving your organisation access to standard self-assessment tools on demand, you can have us add or customise your internal self-assessment tools into SPOT to complement your annual schedule of quality tools.
You can also control the visibility of quality tools scheduled through SPOT. Depending on the circumstances, you might prefer these tools to be available for your team to complete collaboratively, in the same way as your structured MOA program. Alternatively, you might limit this access to key staff or external stakeholders who are:
- Evaluating performance ahead of accreditation against the Standards or Assessor findings (such as mock assessment visits)
- Verifying that the self-assessment and broader quality program is being operated at peak efficiency (for example, through peer-review)
- Investigating areas of interest, incidents, or feedback and complaints
For example, Sally is the quality manager for 10 services. It is expected that at least one of her homes will receive an accreditation visit soon. Sally visits the home to conduct an ad-hoc observational audit through SPOT. These tools are accessible immediately to those with exclusive access to SPOT, however, once complete the home will be able to access their report and action any findings.
Please contact the MOA Team to add SPOT to your current subscription and have us upload your SPOT tools.
Examples of available SPOT tools
Residential SPOT tools
- 2022 COVID-19 Spot Check
- 2022 Industry Code for COVID-19 Visitation Spot-Check
- 2022 ACQS Self-Assessment Tool for Recording Consumers Receiving Psychotropic Medications
- Behaviour Support Plans Spot-Check
- Chemical Restraint Audit
- Clinical Care Review Audit
- COVID-19 Outbreak Review – First 24hrs
- COVID-19 Residential Care Audit
- Environmental Checklist
- First Aid Kit Audit
- Food Safety Audit
- Hand Hygiene Audit
- Laundry Audit
- LGBTI Audit
- Medication Storage Audit
- National Guidelines for Spiritual Care in Aged Care
- Physical Restraint Audit
- Police Check and Worker Screening Audit
- Risk Management Spot-Check
- Shower Chair and Lifter Audit
- SIRS Incident Review
Home Care SPOT tools
- ACQS Self-Assessment Tool for Recording Consumers Receiving Psychotropic Medications
- Hand Hygiene
- LGBTI audit
- Police Check and Worker Screening Audit
- Risk Management Spot-Check
- Infection Control Spot Check – COVID-19
- Home Care Agreement Checklist
- Monthly Statement Checklist
- Environmental Checklist
- Food Safety Audit
- Home Care Recipient Changing Providers Checklist
Retirement Village SPOT tools
- COVID-19 Residential Care Audit
- LGBTI Audit
- Hand Hygiene Competency
- Food Safety Audit
- Retirement Living Code of Conduct Compliance Checklist
- Environmental Checklist
- Incident Management Audit
- Medication Support: Clinical Practice SPOT Check
- First Aid Kit Checklist
- Infection Prevention and Control Audit
Disability Support SPOT tools
- Client File audit
- Food Safety audit
- Hand Hygiene audit
- Hazard Inspection Checklist
- Infection Control Spot Check – COVID-19
- LGBTI audit
- Incident Management and Reportable Incidents
- Medication Spot-Check
- Restrictive Practices Spot-Check
- Risk Management Spot-Check
- Complaints Handling Spot-Check
- COVID-19 Response – the First 24 Hours
NZ Rest Home SPOT tools
- Hand Hygiene
- Clinical Care Review Audit
- Laundry Audit
- Shower Chair and Lifter Audit
- LGBTI Audit
- Medication Storage Audit
- Chemical Restraint Audit
- Food Safety Audit
- National Guidelines for Spiritual Care in Aged Care
- Physical Restraint Audit
- First Aid Kit Audit
- Environmental Checklist
- Infection Control Spot Check – COVID-19